Thursday, March 26, 2020


Good afternoon!

Today I've been experiencing with Storyboard That. This web is an amazing an easy way of doing comics. Once you are in the web, you create an account and start creating your own comic. One of the things I liked about it is that you have plenty of different options of everything, background, characters, text tables... moreover, if you don't want to use any of the backgrounds that are already made, you can create your own one. I find this really useful because you might have an specific idea in your mind and none of the already set backgrounds fit that so being able to create your own one is fantastic.

Furthermore, comics have always been a very useful resource for students because it is really visual with not much text, so it may be easier for students to read and enjoy while reading. And it may be also easier for students to create a story with comics than by just writing a whole story with no pictures in it.

I've created a comic related with emotions and I think it reflects the way many students, specially the little ones felt when they receive the news, how are they feeling this days and how they will feel once all this virus is over. I've done is due to the circumstances that we are going through but you can choose any emotion that you want to show to your students.

This is all for today, I hope you enjoyed it and stay safe!

Made with Storyboard That

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Science Experiments

Good afternoon! Here I leave my presentation about some experiments you can do with kids both at school or at home.

I hope you enjoy it and put them into practice!

Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Hello once more! Today I'm here to introduce you my brand new Twitter. There I will post all the interesting thing I find about education. Resources, interesting accounts to follow, experiments to do with children... But before doing all this I started with a very tiny story.

Here is my twitter account, I hope you enjoy it. See you next week!! 

Monday, March 2, 2020

Content Curation

Today we have learned to use Pinterest. For those who don't know what Pinterest is, I am going to explain it to you. Pinterest is a great tool in which you can find lots of resources. Once you have chosen the resources that are useful for you, you can save them and create a pin or a folder with those resources.

In my case, I have searched for resources related to the water, such as the water cycle or the states of matter. I have pin all of them into a folder called Science in CLIL, so in the future I can add more resources that I find interesting related to science. 

Hello to everybody again!!

Today we are going to learn the names of the different weather types with the first graders. In order to do so, the teacher will show them the different pictures while saying the name of them and asking the students to repeat them. We can do it by putting all the pictures in a Power Point presentation and showing this to the students on the white board. 


Image by FelixMittermeier from Pixabay

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay


Image by composita from Pixabay


Image by Marco Massimo from Pixabay


Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

I hope you enjoyed it.